Expertise for Communities

Belmont RFP for Consultant for Comprehensive Plan Due Sept. 26

Tuesday, August 27, 2024 2:19 PM | Anne McKinnon (Administrator)

Belmont’s most recent Comprehensive Plan was approved in 2010. It was rejected by Town Meeting and was essentially abandoned.  The Town has produced numerous plans and studies since the last Master Plan that include goals & recommendations that are still relevant and should be incorporated into a new Comprehensive Plan if consistent with community input.  About $200,000; 20 months.

Required Principles and Cross-Cutting Themes

  1. Livable Built Environment
  2. Harmony with Nature
  3. Strong and Resilient Economy
  4. Interwoven Equity
  5. Healthy Community
  6. Responsible Regionalism
  7. Sustainability and Climate Resiliency
  8. Transparency

RFP and requirements 


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