Expertise for Communities
For Selection of a Developer for a Land Sale for $1
For Homeownership Development
One acre of land located at 65-79 Seattle Street, Allston, MA
Issued: September 11, 2023
RFP Deadline: October 27, 2023
Request RFP From:
Lynne D. Sweet, Managing Member
170 Worcester Street, Suite 206
Wellesley, Massachusetts 02481
NMCOG is the sub-recipient of a Safe Streets and Roads for All grant. NMCOG seeks transportation consultants to provide technical work supporting NMCOG's regional Comprehensive Safety Action Plan, Greater Lowell Vision Zero. The geographic project area for this proposal consists of Billerica, Chelmsford, Dracut, Dunstable, Lowell, Pepperell, Tewksbury, Tyngsborough, and Westford.
For info contact Jessica Boulanger at Phone: 978-454-8021 extension 113
The Fall River Redevelopment Authority needs a consultant to prepare a master plan for the Rte. 79/Davol Street Corridor.
For RFP contact
The Town of Needham seeks a consultant for a feasibility study and technical assistance to implement a railroad quiet zone throughout the town.
Town of Westford is seeking proposals for development of a town-wide strategic plan.
For RFP go to
Brookline issued an RFP for engineering/planning firms for a Vision Zero Action Plan to guide the Town toward eliminating fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes and create healthy, sustainable, safe, and equitable mobility for all.
For RFP contact Amy Ingles at and arrange to pick up hard copy at Town Hall or to receive PDF.
Nantucket is seeking proposals from historic preservation consultants to undertake an intensive-level, multi-neighborhood survey of cultural and architectural resources in the Town of Nantucket.
RFQ Documents available from the Town of Nantucket website at
Scituate RFP for a consultant to prepare an action-oriented community-wide historic preservation planning document to promote and coordinate critically needed advancement of the protection, preservation, and development of the historic and cultural resources within Scituate.
Nancy Holt,, or (781)545-8710
RFP for Communitywide Historic Preservation Plan.pdf
Quincy is soliciting proposals for on-call consultant review services to assist the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Conservation Commission, and City Council in their review of land use permit applications, including but not limited to Subdivisions, Site Plan Reviews, Special Permits, Variances, and Notices of Intent, among others. The City, on a case-by-case basis, is also seeking Building Code Plan Review and Construction Phase Oversight services.
Proposals may be submitted for one or more of each type of plan review. One contract may be awarded for the whole service, or more than one contract may be awarded if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the City.
See Quincy’s website, for details or pick up at Purchasing Department, Quincy City Hall, 1305 Hancock St.
All questions/inquiries should be directed to Kathryn R. Logan, Chief Procurement Officer, via email: and cc:
Revere issued an RFP for a development consultant for Transit Oriented Development and related projects and initiatives.
For RFP see