Expertise for Communities
I just want to remind you of a great and inexpensive opportunity coming up to get your APA CM credits:
2016 Massachusetts Smart Growth Conference
“Communities making great places”
Pricing only $75/$50/$25 until 5/16!
Scholarships also available for free registration.
Thursday, June 2
DCU Center in Worcester
9:00 am-4:00 pm.
**Planners: APA CM credits are available!**
**Early Bird Registration ending Friday 5/16**
To see the program and register, please go to:
Speakers include Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, former Maryland Governor Parris Glendening, national walkability and public health guru Dan Burden, and many more!
**Diversity Scholarships available**
With generous support from the Massachusetts Housing Partnership, the Alliance will award registration scholarships to individuals from diverse socio-economic, racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. To learn and apply to scholarships click here:!blank/tvmjr