Expertise for Communities
Chapter 40B workshop for municipal officials & board members
November 27, 2017 Amazing Things Arts Center<> 160 Hollis Street Framingham, MA 01702 Join the Massachusetts Housing Partnership<> (MHP) for the first of three workshops this fall on the fundamentals of Chapter 40B, the Comprehensive Permit law.
The first workshop will be held on Monday, Nov. 27 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Amazing Things Arts Center in Framingham.
Agenda/topics Led by Judi Barrett, and based on the Chapter 40B Handbook for Zoning Boards of Appeal<>, the workshop will provide an overview of the Chapter 40B statute and review roles and responsibilities of the zoning boards of appeal (ZBA) and other municipal boards. Topics to be covered include: