Forum Context
As the world of micro- and urban mobility evolves, the Consulting Planners of Massachusetts is excited to establish a forum to focus on micromobility, primarily as it relates to planning in urban and suburban areas. From e-bikes to rocketskates to Medicare-funded mobility scooters, an expanding range of personal transportation choices has begun to impact every aspect of planning, design and development.
Many of these up-and-coming mobility options are so new and so different from previously understood transportation devices that there are, quite literally, no rules about how they should be used, and little guidance about where they fit best in our transportation infrastructure. Some seem familiar on the surface yet are operationally revolutionary, while others are covered under umbrella laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act and are not easily subject to local regulations, while still being impactful in terms of planning needs. From operational laws to building access and safe storage to charging stations, these new devices require new, informed and intentional thinking about their role in the larger transportation fabric. CPM is eager to be a leader in this planning discussion.

Above: Examples of micromobility devices.
Forum Meeting Details
Craig Kelley, a CPM member, will lead this new subcommittee forum. The group will meet virtually once a month for 60-90 minutes to explore this planning issue, with meetings expected to continue for six months. Additional activities may include site visits to review infrastructure and storage issues or experiential use of various devices. Planners, designers and users are welcome and encouraged to participate.
If you are interested in being part of this exciting and important planning process, please RSVP to the forum's first meeting on Friday, January 21st, 2022 at 4pm EST by completing the registration on this webpage. The deadline to register is noon on 1/21/2022. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants a few days prior to the event.
If you have further questions about the forum, feel free to contact Craig at General questions about CPM can be directed to CPM President Leonardi Aray, at
Craig Kelley
Craig is currently the owner of the consulting firm Urban Core Strategies, working with a diverse team of planners, engineers, legal experts and policy wonks to bridge the gap between government and the public. He served on the Cambridge City Council from 2006 to 2020, chairing the Ordinance, Public Safety and Transportation Committees. Craig received a Masters in Public Policy from Harvard Kennedy School, subsequently serving as a Research Fellow in Municipal Resilience and Democratic Institutions. His early career background is in law and working as an environmental consultant to the Army Reserves. Craig's areas of expertise include transportation, resiliency projects, housing (including public, affordable & elderly), and how internet-based systems interface with regulatory and infrastructure programs. You can look up his profile in CPM's Planning Consultant Directory.