Expertise for Communities


  • Thursday, November 19, 2015 5:52 PM | Daphne Politis (Administrator)

    Thurs., December 10:  "Hazard Mitigation Implementation," sponsored by the Planning Information Exchange.   The Planning Information Exchange (PIE) steering committee is running the Hazard Mitigation Implementation webinar, offering an in-depth look at hazard mitigation implementation.  Two experienced professionals will discuss how their communities translated mitigation goals into achievements in two very different environments, Colorado and North Carolina. Learn what makes for successful implementation of mitigation goals for flood, wildfire, and other major hazards.  Earn 1 AICP CM credit.  Click on Hazard Mitigation Implementation to register.

  • Thursday, November 19, 2015 5:35 PM | Daphne Politis (Administrator)

    Today, APA announces $2.25 million in funding to 17 new local coalitions in a second round of grants through the initiative. Projects will address chronic disease through planning strategies focused on healthy eating, active living, and social equity. Coalitions — anchored by APA chapters and affiliates of the American Public Health Association — were selected after a competitive review process. With 18 existing coalitions they will serve 35 communities across the country.

  • Thursday, November 12, 2015 5:43 PM | Daphne Politis (Administrator)

    There will be childcare, food, and interpretation in Spanish and Chinese. 


  • Tuesday, November 10, 2015 2:57 PM | Daphne Politis (Administrator)

    The City of Boston is developing its first citywide plan in 50 years!  They would like to hear from people regarding how to improve Boston with parks and public spaces. 

    Share your VISION by answering a few questions at

    Attend the OPEN HOUSE 

    • Monday, November 16
    • 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM (drop in anytime)
    • @ Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building, 2300 Washington Street,        Dudley Square

  • Tuesday, November 10, 2015 2:51 PM | Daphne Politis (Administrator)

    If you want to be kept in the loop, you need to sign up to receive emails (as well as to give your "big idea" regarding how to improve Boston in the future):

  • Friday, October 30, 2015 11:26 AM | Daphne Politis (Administrator)

    The APA Private Practice Division has produced an exclusive division member-only benefit: the Private Planning Practice Handbook, an outstanding publication with insightful information for prospective, novice, and seasoned planning consultants. 

    Topics include as "Organizing the Planning Consulting Business," "Project Management," "The Personal Side of Consulting," and many useful templates, including a sample agreement for services.

    Division members may receive their PDF copy by sending a request to

    Not a member yet? Join today! Annual division membership is only $25.

  • Friday, October 23, 2015 6:09 PM | Daphne Politis (Administrator)
  • Friday, June 26, 2015 3:26 PM | Daphne Politis (Administrator)

    The City of Peabody is seeking proposals from qualified urban designers to produce a comprehensive facade and signage improvement manual.  The guide will be developed with a primary focus on the downtown business corridor and a secondary focus on other commercial districts. The manual will establish specific design standards for use by residents, business owners, and developers. Overall, this project will provide a much-needed guide for the City's efforts to promote high-quality, architecturally appropriate fa?ade and signage design standards. 

    The RFP can be downloaded at the following link:

    The consultant will be selected by a committee on an evaluation of the most advantageous proposal, price, and other factors. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

    1.       Professional qualifications and availability. 

    2.       Prior experience and familiarity with providing fa?ade and signage design services.

    3.       Quality of services provided.

    4.       Cost/Fee for services.

    Sealed RFP responses must be received by the Office of Community Development and Planning no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, July 10, 2015. For additional information regarding this RFP, please contact Pedro Soto at or (978) 538-5783.

    Please feel free to forward this information to interested parties.

    Proposals (One unbound original, three bound copies and an electronic PDF format via email) shall be submitted, in a sealed envelope, to:

    Pedro Soto, City Planner 

    Office of Community Development and Planning

    City of Peabody 

    24 Lowell  

    Peabody, MA 01960 

    Best regards, Pedro 
    Pedro Soto, City Planner 
    City of Peabody
    Office of Community Development & Planning
    24 Lowell Street
    Peabody, MA 01960

    (978) 538-5783
    Pride in Peabody 

  • Tuesday, June 23, 2015 9:59 PM | Daphne Politis (Administrator)

    MIT is playing a key role in helping to ensure the sustainability of human civilization into the future. Across the Institute, and across the world, faculty and students are pursuing transformative research to address the urgent challenges of water and food.


  • Tuesday, June 23, 2015 9:14 PM | Daphne Politis (Administrator)

    Cambridge has published its Request for Proposal for its City-wide Plan.


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