Expertise for Communities
Stoneham needs a consultant for a study and "preliminary design" (?) for a circumferential trail/trail network around Spot Pond in Stoneham. Products: maps; report on public input; final map illustrating proposed design of the trail/trail network which shall identify the type of trail in each section; report with details on the rationale for the location of the proposed circumferential trail, typical cross sections of various trail types; bicycle routes), and standards for trail construction. $70,000.
COMMBUYS BD-18-1327-STAO1-STAO-70291
Spot Pond Circumferential Trail Project RFP 21-12.pdf
See RFP 2022-349, Rebid Community Engagement Services for Chelsea Climate Resilience Projects, for details.
Chelsea procurement website:
The Town of Leverett seeks proposals from qualified consultants to develop Phase 1 (of two) of Comprehensive Master Plan consistent with the requirements under MGL Chapter 41, Section 81D. Leverett is a town of about 2,000 in western Massachusetts, next to Amherst.
For more information contact Margie McGinnis, Town Administrator
Master Plan RFP revision January 2022.docx Proposals due Feb. 18, 2022, and Phase 1 work must be completed by June 30, 2022. $36,000 total.
Boston Dept. of Neighborhood Development seeks consultant for "nexus study" of the impacts of non-residential development on the cost and supply of housing and on employment opportunities. Goal is to help determine if changes to the City's Development Impact Exaction requirements (aka "Linkage") are in order. Six-month effort not to exceed $75,000.
Due through the City's Suppler Portal ( See portal for instructions.
The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency in coordination with the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs is seeking a vendor to develop the first 5-year update of the integrated State Hazard Mitigation & Climate Adaptation Plan (SHMCAP). Update will include EEA’s MA Climate Change Assessment, projected to be completed October 2022, as the foundation of the Risk Assessment. Consultant will conduct a complete and iterative planning process, including robust stakeholder processes, with a heavy focus on development of a State Capability and Adaptive Capacity Analysis, State Agency Vulnerability Assessments, Funding Analysis, and Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Strategy. Update is due June 2023.
Request for Responses can be found at the link below and closes at 9 am on February 14, 2022. All questions submitted regarding this RFR will be posted on COMMBUYS (BD-22-1013-RMS00-MITAG-69713)
Town of Nantucket invites proposals for professional services to update the Nantucket and Madaket Harbors Action Plan. Due Wed., Feb. 9.
RFP documents are available to download from the Town's website at
The City of Westfield seeks proposals to develop a Comprehensive Master Plan for the City of Westfield consistent with the requirements under MGL Chapter 41, Section 81D.
The City needs to update its functionally obsolete 1962 Master Plan. Designated as a “Gateway City” and home to over 40,000 individuals, it the fourth most populous Massachusetts municipality west of Worcester. At 47 sq. mi., Westfield is the Commonwealth’s third largest city in land area.
The final scope of work will be negotiated with selected consultant, incorporating accepted aspects of the proposal. The key outcomes will be a citywide, long-range/generational plan that articulates a vision and goals for the continuing development of the City, establishes a framework for ongoing and more detailed planning efforts, and prioritizes and coordinates city actions over the short- mid- and long-term. The City anticipates pursing a future zoning overhaul based on the Master Plan effort.
RFP may be obtained from the City of Westfield 59 Court Street, Westfield, MA 01085, Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm;; 413-572-6254.
Hingham, through the Hingham Harbor Development Committee and the Hingham Bathing Beach Trustees, seeks proposals to update its 2007 Harbor Master Plan.
The City of Medford, though its Office of Planning, Development, and Sustainability, is seeking proposals for architecture, urban design, consulting and project management services for projects through the City's Small Business Façade Improvement Program (FIP). Hard copy proposals will not be accepted by This project is being Electronically Bid (E-bid).
You can register to become a proposer online at For assistance, contact at 800-835-4603. Request for Qualification Documents available online at
All questions must be submitted to by 2/1/22 @ 5:00 p.m.
MAPC is looking for proposals from qualified Respondents to provide improvements to an existing land use allocation modeling tool. MAPC will be the awarding authority. Proposals will be evaluated against quality requirements and evaluation criteria in the RFP and price. Those Respondents identified as being responsible and responsive and offering the most advantageous proposals against these factors will be awarded contracts.