Expertise for Communities
Watertown is soliciting proposals from firms with considerable experience in community design, land use planning, transportation, economic analysis, and citizen involvement/ participation. This plan will provide a foundation for future land use planning, development regulation, and capital improvement planning. The Plan will contain a range of elements with specific emphasis on 1) land use, 2) economic development, 3) transportation, circulation and parking and 4) open space and recreation. The Plan will define a community-based vision created through broad and inclusive public participation. One of the most critical components of the plan process will be community engagement. Due Dec. 13.
RFP available by e-mail request:
Amesbury needs a consultant for scenario planning to explore the land use, mobility, design and conservation options that will create a vibrant gateway into Amesbury and help the East End Neighborhood embrace smart and sustainable land uses.
See bid # BD-22-1239-CED33-CED33-68905 for information and contact information.
Responses due Dec. 14 at 9:00 a.m.
MEMA seeks a vendor(s) to help communities update or develop a FEMA- approved Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). All municipalities are required to have a FEMA approved LHMP to be eligible for FEMA’s pre- and post-disaster Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants (HMA).
MEMA has been awarded funds from multiple sources to assist local communities update or develop a LHMP. The intent of this program is to 100% fund up to approximately 20 local HM plan updates or new plans depending on the number of eligible communities who meet the criteria and wish to participate.
See bid # BD-22-1013-RMS00-MITAG-68818 for all the forms and RFQ info. Responses due Jan. 3.
MEMA RFQ LHMP Local M.docx
The Town of Leverett seeks professional consulting services for the first phase of a Comprehensive Master Plan in accordance with MGL Chapter 41, §81D. The successful proposal will come from consultants with a broad knowledge base in land use planning, housing, economic development, cultural asset development, smart growth, open space, historic preservation, municipal services, geographic information services (GIS), climate adaptation, and community resiliency. Proposals due Dec. 30. Phase 1 budget is $36,000 and it must be completed by June 30, 2022. See RFP for details.
Master Plan RFP phase 1.docx
The Brockton Department of Planning and Economic Development is seeking an experienced consultant to guide and assist the City in updating its 2016 Downtown District Improvement Financing (DIF) Program and Financial Plan and securing adoption by the Brockton City Council.
Virtual Pre-Proposal Briefing: Mon., Dec. 6 at 11:00 a.m. Attendance is strongly encouraged. Register in advance:
RFP available at
The RFP for this re-bid for an affordable housing development consultant is available for download on Chelsea's website:
Salisbury is hiring a consultant to develop design guidelines for the Lafayette-Main Commercial Zone. Fee is $30,000. Proposals are due Wed., Dec. 15.
Optional information is session is Wed., Dec. 1, at 9:00 a.m. See RFP for all details.
RFP - Lafayette and Main - 12-15-21.pdf
Wilbraham Parks and Recreation Department for the Town of Wilbraham has issued a Request for Qualifications and proposals from planning and/or landscape architecture firms, experienced in producing Recreation and Athletic Facilities Master Plans to develop a Comprehensive Recreation and Athletic Facilities Master Plan for 540 Stony Hill Rd., Wilbraham, MA. Due Dec. 17. See attached.
RFQ Recreation and Athletic Facilities Master Plan.pdf
The Town of Pepperell, through the Planning Board, is soliciting proposals for professional services associated with a Zoning Bylaw Update, specifically to expand and update an existing mixed-use overlay district bylaw.
Bid documents will be available electronically through Jenny Gingras is the contact person ( Questions will be accepted only via email sent to the listed contact person and are due Dec. 9, 2021, at 12:00 PM. Electronic and hard copies of bids are due no later than Dec. 16, 2021 at 3:00 pm to and Town of Pepperell, Planning Office, 1 Main St., Pepperell, MA 01463.
Boston Planning & Development Agency is seeking a consultant for a multimodal transportation plan in alignment with Go Boston 2030 and Imagine Boston 2030. The product will help guide review of development proposals, inform development mitigation, and influence City capital budget decisions. The Study is generally bound by:
BPDA has $400,000 for the Plan. RFP available 11/17/21 at 9:00 am.
Pre-submission Conference: 11/29/21 @ 12:00 P.M. via Zoom link:
The RFP is available at