Expertise for Communities


  • Monday, September 09, 2024 11:52 AM | Anne McKinnon (Administrator)

    Lawrence seeks qualifications to prepare an Action Plan in accordance with the Safe Streets and Roads for All program. The purpose of the program is to significantly reduce or eliminate roadway fatalities and serious injuries. The Action Plan will prioritize implementation projects and strategies for the most significant roadway safety concerns. The Action Plan shall be developed in accordance with the U.S. Dept. of Transportation Safe Streets and Roads for All Self-Certification Eligibility Worksheet.

    For details contact Ilialis Reyes at or 978-807-2127

  • Monday, September 09, 2024 11:43 AM | Anne McKinnon (Administrator)

    Boston Transportation Department needs a consultant for planning, public engagement and design for transportation improvements in Roslindale Square and Maverick Square. The objectives are to support small business commercial districts and improve safety, connectivity, and accessibility. Consultant will work with City, local communities, and stakeholders to identify opportunities and develop 25% concept plans for mobility and public realm improvements.

    See the City's Supplier Portal at portal #EV00014797

  • Friday, September 06, 2024 12:20 PM | Anne McKinnon (Administrator)

    Brockton seeks quotes for a number of tasks related to a proposal from a regional developer to redevelop the former Brockton Fairgrounds for a mixed-use development.  The project would include up to 600,000 sf of industrial space, 1,200 multi-family units with 40,000 sf of ground floor retail space, 30 attached single-family quadplex units, and a 3-acre public park/plaza. To be completed by January 17, 2025.

    Tasks include:

    1. Fiscal impacts (tax impacts, school impacts
    2. Transportation and Mobility
    3. Social
    4. Opportunities (what is the current and projected demand for various real estate types and given the location, what percentage of that demand could the site absorb; does the current plan property reflect those market conditions; are there opportunities that should be further explored and pursued; etc.)
    Contact Rob May, director of Planning and Economic Development at 508-580-7113 or, for information and submission details.

  • Friday, September 06, 2024 8:54 AM | Anne McKinnon (Administrator)

    South Hadley is seeking a consultant to assist the Town establish an Affordable Housing Trust under MGL Chapter 44,  Section 55C.  Six-month effort; budget is $30,000.

    Request for Proposals available at

    South Hadley Housing Trust RFP.pdf

  • Tuesday, September 03, 2024 5:28 PM | Anne McKinnon (Administrator)

    Waltham issued RFP for a zoning consultant to review the current Zoning Ordinance and map for possible legal issues, antiquated content and inconsistent standards and recommend amendments to the Ordinance as an interim prior to the adoption of a revised document. Twelve months.

    For RFP contact Crystal Philpott at 781-314-3244 or


  • Tuesday, September 03, 2024 5:25 PM | Anne McKinnon (Administrator)

    The Town of Plymouth and Holtec International seek proposals to develop a Master Plan for the 1500+/- acre Holtec Property. The Master Planning process shall involve community consensus building, economic analysis, and preparation of a preferred plan for the property.

    Request for Proposals available at beginning 9/5/24.

  • Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:16 PM | Anne McKinnon (Administrator)

    MassDOT seeks consultant with ferry operations expertise to study, design and operate a regional network of ferry services to, from and between communities on the Massachusetts coast. MassDOT is working with the MBTA to study the feasibility of expanding ferry service beyond the 5 existing MBTA routes to serve more coastal communities.

    Study will develop up to 4 alternatives for ferry service. The options can propose different docks, stopping patterns, and  frequencies for both existing and new ferry services.

    See COMMBUYS bid #BD-25-1030-0P100-0P021-105491

    OTP Water Transportation Study Scope_Planning Study and Engineering Assessment.pdf

  • Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:10 PM | Anne McKinnon (Administrator)

    Town of Stoughton invites proposals from firms to update the Town's Open Space and Recreation Plan.

    For bid documents contact Fran Bruttaniti at or (781)341-1300

  • Thursday, August 29, 2024 6:01 PM | Anne McKinnon (Administrator)

    MAPC issued RFQ under the Operational Services Statewide Contract for an  engineering and design consultant to assist MAPC, the City of Chelsea, and the City of Everett conduct an alternatives analysis to identify a preferred alignment or routes from the end of the Chelsea Greenway to Broadway in Everett and on to the Northern Strand Trail. Budget is $84,000.

    For RFQ documents contact Travis Pollack at

    Chelsea Everett Greenway Consultant RFQuotes 2024.08_Final-1.pdf

  • Tuesday, August 27, 2024 2:19 PM | Anne McKinnon (Administrator)

    Belmont’s most recent Comprehensive Plan was approved in 2010. It was rejected by Town Meeting and was essentially abandoned.  The Town has produced numerous plans and studies since the last Master Plan that include goals & recommendations that are still relevant and should be incorporated into a new Comprehensive Plan if consistent with community input.  About $200,000; 20 months.

    Required Principles and Cross-Cutting Themes

    1. Livable Built Environment
    2. Harmony with Nature
    3. Strong and Resilient Economy
    4. Interwoven Equity
    5. Healthy Community
    6. Responsible Regionalism
    7. Sustainability and Climate Resiliency
    8. Transparency

    RFP and requirements 


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