Expertise for Communities
Salem is seeking a consultant to develop a strategy and plan for downtown Salem’s future public parking infrastructure and any associated development opportunities over the mid to long term. Maximum $90,000.
See RFP for details.
23-09-TAP RFP Manual.docx
Town of Shrewsbury issued an RFP for Climate Action Plan Consulting services for townwide climate action plan. Approx. $140,000.
RFP is available at
Rockport is seeking a consultant for a Housing Production Plan consistent with the MA DHCD guidelines. Please see RFP for full details and scope of services.
E-mail for the RFP. Confirmation of receipt of RFP and any addenda issued is required.
The Town of Belchertown is seeking proposals for Economic Development Consulting Services. Services will include assisting the town with local business and landlord engagement, permit streamlining, public space activation, internal communication services constituent engagement and project planning as a minimum. Approx. $100,000.
For information contact Gary Brougham, Town Administrator, or 413-323-0403
Newton released RFQ for bicycle and pedestrian network planning services.
For RFQ see
Boston Water and Sewer Commission needs traffic management plan design services for 3-year contract, Plans and Specifications will be available on or after 6/27/22 Bid documents may be obtained by downloading it from the BWSC Portal BIDNET DIRECT.
Lexington issued an RFP for consultant for Climate Action and Resilience Plan. RFP documents may be obtained online at Proposals must be delivered to 1625 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA 02420 by July 28 at 12 noon.
The Town of Norfolk is embarking on a Master Plan Study. The last Master Plan was done is 2007. The Town is in the process of updating its 2017 Housing Production Plan which will be completed August 2022 which will be incorporated into the Master Plan. $140,000.
The funding for the Master Plan is $40,000 from Community Compact, $100,000 from Town Meeting.
E-mail for the complete RFP .
Today the Commonwealth issued a Request for Responses (RFR) for Professional Services including Downtown Revitalization and Planning, Transportation, GIS, Engineering and Architecture. It is known as “PRF 76” which replaces and expands former PRF 61. This is the mechanism for consultants to get onto the state vendor list that is used by state agencies for hiring without issuing other specific RFRs.
Consultants interested in submitting a proposal, which are due no later than 2:00 p.m. August 4, 2022, should visit COMMBUYS and Search for Bid Number: BD-22-1080-OSD03-SRC3-75909. If you have questions, please see the instructions and trainings that are available through the agency that manages this procurement site.
The Town of West Boylston is seeking proposals from qualified firms or individuals to provide the town with housing consulting services. One year, $20,000.
For the RFP, contact the Town Administrator or visit the town's website at