Expertise for Communities
MassDOT seeks consultant with ferry operations expertise to study, design and operate a regional network of ferry services to, from and between communities on the Massachusetts coast. MassDOT is working with the MBTA to study the feasibility of expanding ferry service beyond the 5 existing MBTA routes to serve more coastal communities.
Study will develop up to 4 alternatives for ferry service. The options can propose different docks, stopping patterns, and frequencies for both existing and new ferry services.
See COMMBUYS bid #BD-25-1030-0P100-0P021-105491
OTP Water Transportation Study Scope_Planning Study and Engineering Assessment.pdf
Town of Stoughton invites proposals from firms to update the Town's Open Space and Recreation Plan.
For bid documents contact Fran Bruttaniti at or (781)341-1300
MAPC issued RFQ under the Operational Services Statewide Contract for an engineering and design consultant to assist MAPC, the City of Chelsea, and the City of Everett conduct an alternatives analysis to identify a preferred alignment or routes from the end of the Chelsea Greenway to Broadway in Everett and on to the Northern Strand Trail. Budget is $84,000.
For RFQ documents contact Travis Pollack at
Chelsea Everett Greenway Consultant RFQuotes 2024.08_Final-1.pdf
Belmont’s most recent Comprehensive Plan was approved in 2010. It was rejected by Town Meeting and was essentially abandoned. The Town has produced numerous plans and studies since the last Master Plan that include goals & recommendations that are still relevant and should be incorporated into a new Comprehensive Plan if consistent with community input. About $200,000; 20 months.
Required Principles and Cross-Cutting Themes
RFP and requirements
Boston's Office of Climate Resilience with the Planning Department is committed to addressing the immediate and near-term impacts of climate change, particularly those related to coastal flooding. The City seeks proposals from consultants for a comprehensive technical and benefit-cost analysis and design and implementation guidance for interim flood protection measures in prioritized, low-lying areas. Five-month effort.
For proposal details contact Chris Osgood, director of Climate Resilience, at 617-635-2854 or
Boston seeks a consultant for its Coordinated Street Furniture program, which involves digital information boards, public toilets, and most of the City's bus shelters. The consultant will provide background research and draft elements of the RFP seeking an ad-based Street Furniture Program vendor. Taking into consideration equity, accessibility, and inclusion, the focus is to evaluate the current program and its revenue-generating mechanisms to propose ways to enhance the current program and increase profits to fund transit-related amenities.
RFP package available from City's procurement website and Supplier Portal at (under Event ID EV00014522) or Boston City Hall, Rm. 811.
Chelsea seeks on-call transportation engineering and design services to assist city departments with engineering and design services, primarily focused on traffic calming projects that will enhance roadway safety.
See for documents
Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) seeks planning and/or economic development consultant or team for a five-year Greater Lowell Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for 2025-2030. Collaborate closely with NMCOG on data collection and analysis; stakeholder interviews; an economic development summit; and identifying unique, actionable, and relevant economic development recommendations including a potential work program and funding sources for a regional economic development program. Estimated budget is $95,000.
RFP is available at
Arlington seeks consultants and/or consultant teams to update Arlington's 2015 Master Plan.
Briefing 8/22/24 at 1:00 p.m. at Arlington Town Hall Annex
For RFP see
Newton issued request for consultant to provide development review services on an on-call basis. One-year contract.
Project documents available at or pick up at City Hall, Room 108, 100 Commonwealth Ave. after August 8 at 10:00 a.m.